Sunday, August 1, 2010

selling on Etsy

I recently opened a store on Etsy, selling handmade bracelets. If you still haven't heard about Etsy, it is an old but well revamped concept by Rob Kalin.

You are reading my blog, so you have to visit my store, and buy anything you like once in there: (please).

So I guess you are asking yourself the same I had: who sells the most in Etsy?
Check it out at

The highest seller, by far and consistently, is yadanabeads (

Etsy is supposed to be a venue for handmade items, but it seems to me that yadanabeads is not handmade, or is it? The following best sellers also sell similar items. Are those really handmade? What's the deal?

Anyway, I've spent too much time reading blogs, joining teams, placing ads on facebook and spreading the word. I finally made my first sale today! Wow. Awesome feeling.

A lot of patience is needed to achieve a sale. Need to keep at it, work really really hard, participate with everyone, and always drive traffic to the store.

Just as an observation: facebooks ads did not work. Spent some money on it, several days, and no sale from it.

Etsy is a nice idea. Seems like a simple venue, but it has a lot of tools. The conferencing tool is really cool. I feel that selling on Etsy is a bit expensive and I'm surprised so many people can afford it.

Anyone has an Etsy store? Experiences to share?


beto correa said...

¿Y por qué creés que no te salió ni una venta por Facebook?

¿Qué criterios usaste pa dirigir los ads?

Michel said...

Hice dos campañas, una CPM y otra CPC, con un perfil demográfico muy particular.
Hubo muchos clicks, pero la gran mayoría fueron bounce-backs.
Compartí mis resultados con el grupo FEST de Etsy y a muchos les pasó igual.
No quiere decir que la publicidad en facebook no funcione. Hay tantas que variables que habría que intentarlo nuevamente.
El presupuesto es muy limitado, asi que no hay márgen para trial-and-error.